Nintendo Classifies Summer Carnival ’92 Recca in Australia
The rare side-scrolling shooter Summer Carnival ’92 Recca (or just Recca) should be appearing on Western Virtual Console shores at some time in the future. The game has just been classified for release in Australia.
The game was released in Japan in 1992 for the Famicon, only a few copies of the game were sold and its now rare. In 2013 though, its easily available online and has been on the Japanese eShop since last year.
It’s really odd that Nintendo would bring this game to the west, it’s basically unknown but still someone must want it.
Could this be the return of the Hanabi festival?
Thanks to @infernal_monkey for the tip.
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The Hanabi festival was the one where Europe’s Virtual Console (and I guess by extension Australia) got titles that were never released in those regions right?
That is correct.
Aww man, watching that made me ache for Parodius even more. Most shooters top-down or side-scrolling usually do. Looks fast and frenetic. Might get it for the masochist in me lol.
That looks like a vertical scrolling shooter to me, not a side-scroller.
Which is great. I’ve always been a bigger 1942 fan than a Darius fan.
Ah yes, that’s the term I was meaning, vertical scrolling. I’m slow of mind at that time of the morning. Cheers mate.