Zelda to now include swinging controls


Yes the look on Links face to the left says it all, more information from the Nintendo Dream magazine interview has surfaced this time pertaining to the use of the Wiimote in the Wii version of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Now instead of a simple button press players will now have to swing the controller to perform sword slashes. When we played Zelda at E3 we found ourselves swinging the Wiimote even though we didn’t need to. A push of the B button was all that was required to have link swing his sword. However, new information has emerged that may make our senseless swinging part of the game. Now when you swing the controller Link also slashes in that direction. Miyamoto also told Nintendo Dream that even though there was fears that having to play the game in this manner would make you tired; Miyamoto said in reply “”Upon actually playing it, it’s more interesting this way””

To accommodate this change Nintendo has also changed the way the bow and arrows work, in the E3 version you aimed with the Wiimote then used the D-Pad to fire while this was a bit hard because the D-Pad is up the end of the controller and it just felt like a stretch. But now the firing button for the arrow is the B button (on the Wiimote on the backside) however no word on a action “”pulling”” method although anything is possible with this move.

Of course there was things Miyamoto didnt divulge in (like usual) however when asked which version of Zelda he would like to play he said the Wii one but both versions will be fun. He also commented that the game was “”coming along nicely””. The Legend of Zelda is set for Wii and GameCube on Wii Launch.

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Daniel Vuckovic
The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

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