Xenoblade Chronicles will release on New 3DS in Australia in 2015

Not a joke.


Nintendo Australia has just announced via the way of its very first Nintendo Direct that the New 3DS will be making it’s way to Australia in 2014.

As well as the systems it was confirmed that a port of Xenoblade Chronicles which was announced last month for the New 3DS will also be making its way to Australia. We will, like the Japanese have to wait until 2015 for this one.

The game will make use of the improved power of the new CPU that the new systems have. The old models will not be able to run it.

Find out more about the New 3DS launch details and price here in our full coverage.

Daniel Vuckovic

The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

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Daniel Vuckovic

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