Wii U Sales Target Set for 10 Million First Year

Financial year that is, that's whenever it launches until this time next year.


While Nintendo’s financial report for the past financial year may not have been that great, things are looking up with the inpending launch of the Wii U sometime this year.

Nintendo’s positive too as it thinks it’s going to sell at least 10 million Wii U units in its first financial year. However it is important to note that Nintendo has also included Wii consoles in that projected figure, so that plays down its expectations a bit.

The Wii isn’t going to stop selling any time soon, it pulled in 9.84 million in the last financial year after all and even with the Wii U on the way and in stores it’s still going to continue to sell to someone.

So is it that Nintendo wants to surprise everyone with better sales than they first predicted? Perhaps they don’t think it will do as well by combining Wii and Wii U projected sales?

Worse yet, perhaps it won’t have a simultaneous worldwide release. They wouldn’t do that though. Would they?

Daniel Vuckovic

The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

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Daniel Vuckovic

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