Wii price cut? Not any time soon says Iwata
Despite sales slowing down; Satoru Iwata says its not yet time to cut the price of the Wii
It’s still making Nintendo a good profit, but sales of the Nintendo Wii are down from their astronomically good sales last year. However Nintendo’s President Satoru Iwata says it’s not the time yet to cut the price of the Wii instead ramp up the number of big titles released to marked.
Talking to Kotaku, Iwata has said "Consistently, big time titles will be released in the marketplace for this hardware. When that stops, to reinvigorate the console, or to put it another way, I think the current decline in hardware sales is due to the fact that there aren’t many big titles (at the moment)."
He also reveals that there isn’t a lot of discussion happening at the big N about pricing. Nintendo’s first half of 2009 has been very quiet with the big title Wii Sports Resort perhaps the end of that downhill trend.
Source: Kotaku