Wii gets Food Channel in Japan

Japan gets another new channel; this time youll be ordering your food from your living room. As if the Japanese Wii owner didn’t have enough services to pick from, now they can order food from the Wii Food Channel called the Damae Channel. At th...


Japan gets another new channel; this time youll be ordering your food from your living room.

As if the Japanese Wii owner didn’t have enough services to pick from, now they can order food from the Wii Food Channel called the Damae Channel. At the moment you can order many types of food, including sushi, Pizza, Chinese, curry, bento boxes and even western foods. The big names are all there too, with KFC, Pizza Hut and Domino’s joining in.

You’ll also be able to specify how you want your food; however the channel just acts as a prompt to get the food. If you want to pay for it you’ll have to pay cash to the delivery person.

Of course none of this applies here in Australia – or anywhere outside Japan for that matter. Pizza Hut delivers slow enough has it is, ordering it from Japan long haul might not be the best thing.


Daniel Vuckovic

The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

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Daniel Vuckovic

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