Call of Duty: Ghosts was officially announced over night, officially for the PC, Playstation 3, Xbox 360 and it will also be ‘available for next generation platforms’. More of the game will revealed at the reveal event for the new Xbox on May 21st.
So where’s the Wii U version? Judging by this press release it doesn’t exist, which would be sad – but maybe it is still coming?
So what exactly is a ‘next generation platform’ anyway? We’re not that much of blind Nintendo fanboys to think that this maybe doesn’t include the Wii U. The system isn’t what most developers and publishers are considering to be next generation.
Or is it?
Speaking to the Examiner, Activision had this to say about the Wii U version of Call of Duty: Ghosts;
[quote]We don’t have any news for the Wii U at this time, as we aren’t dating next generation platforms yet. Stay tuned.[/quote]
So now the Wii U is next generation!
This would be fair as the next-Xbox (obviously), PlayStation 4 and Wii U versions aren’t up on the pre order page on the Call of Duty website either. Perhaps Activision have been silenced by Microsoft until the next-Xbox version has been released and have the ‘exclusive’ on the ‘next gen’versions. Though its pretty funny that this URL exists, even if it the Xbox box art.
Before its official release, some retailers were flaunting the game on their websites to preorder. They’ve since been removed.
There’s also this box art floating around which could be fake as Brynne Edelsten but here it is anyway.
We’re pretty confident the Wii U version of Call of Duty: Ghosts exists, but we might not find out until later this year. Probably on one of Nintendo’s financial reports as a line item.
We’d contact our local Activision office to ask, but we doubt if anymore Wii U games are coming to Australia from them. So what’s the point?
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