It was Samus week, that is until a Mr. Duke Nukem made his appearance Even though it’s not on a Nintendo console, the appearance of Duke Nukem Forever at PAX this weekend has taken the video game industry by surprise. It was almost as a big a su...
Even though it’s not on a Nintendo console, the appearance of Duke Nukem Forever at PAX this weekend has taken the video game industry by surprise. It was almost as a big a surprise as us getting Metroid: Other M just a week after the US. Not even that, it was within days. That also means we’ve reviewed the game, and we think this is our best review ever. Check that out here.
So there was other news around last week; a whole bunch of new Nintendo games were revealed. By new though I mean that ones a collection of Mario games. We’re not entirely sure which ones are in it yet but it is coming, and isn’t a rumour. Some other sites have penned it as such, but it’s on Nintendo Japan’s site. The other Nintendo game revealed was Fluidity for WiiWare. It looks pretty neat and that was shown off at PAX.
On the Aussie front, we know when we’re getting Wii Party now. We’re also getting that that Wii Remote bundle too, it’s pretty neat.
Worldly news now, about Rare… you know, those developers who made games like Perfect Dark, Banjo Kazooie and some other stuff more recently (which I can’t remember the names of right now). Well according to reports, they didn’t even want to make GoldenEye – they didn’t think it would pan out right. Looks like they were wrong then. On the upcoming game front there was a new trailer for Kirby’s Epic Yarn released, a ton of new details for Epic Mickey and a first look at the art style of the upcoming Back to the Future episodic games. Epic.
Around the forums
Flamecondor wants to know your favourite handheld Zelda – anything other then Link’s Awakening is wrong
Excite posted up some challenges for you to partake in New Super Mario Bros. Wii
Bernbaum got around to picking up Punch-Out!! (lucky) and wanted to share his thoughts
James shows his love for the Donkey Kong games by posting the latest ones boxart
Apple had a special event and unveiled new stuff – as usual, it’s all shiny and expensive
LordZod asks if are Facebook and Twitter killing message boards
And lastly, Karn asks how you enjoy your music in this digital world
This week’s releases
The great Batman: The Brave and the Bold is out this week, on DS and Wii, plus there’s some Trackmania action and a couple of movie tie-ins for The Sorcerers Apprentice and The Last Airbender. For all releases, check out the calendar to the left of this text. Really, just look there. Or look here. Or at me. I’m on a horse.
Calendar was probably right at the time of writing, and if not – whoops.
Definitively done with the Wii U now.
Because Gate Rune and Dunan Unification War is too long to fit in a title.