It Christmas time and the Non-Game games have dropped off the list to make way for best games of the Year, Animal Crossing comes and sells out and gives the Nintendo DS a boost, but sadly it looks like the Original GBA has bitten the dust. Remember th...
Read the Full Story for the charts… Software Sales (November 21 – November 27, 2005)
1 DS Animal Crossing: Wild World
3 GBA Mega Man Battle Network 6: Grega Versionv
4 PS2 Soul Calibur III
5 PS2 Ratchet: Deadlocked (incl. Limited Edition)
6 GBA Mega Man Battle Network 6: Faltzer Version
7 GBA Pokemon Mysterious Dungeon: Red Rescue Force
8 PS2 Ikusagami
9 DS Pokemon Mysterious Dungeon: Blue Rescue Force
10 PS2 Mobile Suit Gundam: The Federation vs. Z.A.F.T.
Hardware Sales (November 21 – November 27, 2005)
DS 132,012
PSP 51,196
PS2 27,545
GBM 7,594
GBASP 5,709
GC 5,130
GBA 241
Xbox 128
Market Share (November 21 – November 27, 2005)
PlayStation 2 12.00%
PSP 22.30%
GameCube 2.23%
Game Boy Advance 0.11%
Game Boy Advance SP 2.49%
Game Boy Micro 3.31%
Nintendo DS 57.51%
Xbox 0.06%
Total 100.00%
Year to Date / Lifetime to Date
DS – 2,278,491 / 3,774,087
PSP – 1,654,424 / 2,136,676
DS Lead – 624,067 / 1,637,411
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From Mario to Zelda, to Splatoon to Donkey Kong. Everything on Nintendo Music.