Weekly Japanese Sales (March 6th – March 12th, 2006)
Yes it’s that time again to delve into the mind of the Japanese gamers. But really we’re just looking at this past weeks software and hardware sales charts. Remember the ones you care about are in Bold!
This Week: DS Lite fights back and DS Fat continues to sell, Gamecube is still outselling the Xbox 360, and the GBA outsells the Xbox 1 (That’s the original folks)
Click “”Continue Reading”” below to see the full Charts! Software Sales (March 6th – March 12th, 2006)
01. NDS Animal Crossing WW – 82,000 (2,117,000)
02. NDS Brain Training 2 – 71,000 (1,505,000)
03. PS2 Sengiku Musou 2 (Samurai Warrior) – 49,000 (474,000)
04. NDS English Training – 42,000 (617,000)
05. NDS Brain Training – 41,000 (1,683,000)
06. PS2 Gundam Climax UC – 34,000 (191,000)
07. NDS Seiken Densetsu Children of Mana – 27,000 (129,000)
08. PSP Valkyrie Profile Lenneth – 21,000 (91,000)
09. NDS Mario Kart DS – 19,000 (1,171,000)
10. PSP Monster Hunter Portable – 17,000 (558,000)
Hardware Sales (March 6th – March 12th, 2006)
DSL 89,790
NDS 48,947
PSP 40,091
PS2 22,476
GBASP 4,235
GBM 3,020
GCN 1,360
Xbox360 1,296
GBA 65
Xbox 63
Source: Media Create