Yes its that time again to delve into the mind of the Japanese Gamers Mind, Actually really were just looking at the Sales Charts. Now Including Market Share! Remember the ones you care about are in Bold! Read the Full Story for the charts... Softwa...
Read the Full Story for the charts…
Software Sales (January 9 – January 15, 2006)
1 DS Brain Training 2
2 DS Animal Crossing: Wild World
3 DS DS Training For Adults: Work Your Brain (Brain Training)
4 DS Mario Kart DS
5 PS2 Gunparade Orchestra: White Chapter (incl. Limited Edition)
6 PSP Monster Hunter Portable
7 PS2 Kingdom Hearts II
8 DS Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time
9 DS Gentle Brain Exercises
10 DS Tamagotchi Connection: Corner Shop!
Hardware Sales (January 9 – January 15, 2006)
PSP 57,686
DS 54,284
PS2 39,076
GBASP 9,982
GBM 6,341
Xbox360 6,107
GC 5,465
GBA 233
Xbox 119
Market Share (January 9 – January 15, 2006)
PS2 21.79%
PSP 32.17%
GC 3.05%
GBA 0.13%
GBASP 5.57%
GBM 3.54%
DS 30.28%
Xbox 0.07%
Xbox360 3.41%
Total 100.00%
PSP V DS (Life Time to Date(Year to Date Unavailable)
DS – 5,792,615
PSP – 2,873,405
DS Lead – 2,919,210
Source: Media-create
Collector's Edition rides on for Switch as well