Weekly Japanese Sales ( 13 – 19 Nov)

Yes it's that time again to delve into the minds of Japanese gamers. But really, we're just looking at this past week's software and hardware sales charts. Nintendo games in bold This Week: No PS3 Games this week, and Sony fails to sell its shipment,...


Yes it’s that time again to delve into the minds of Japanese gamers. But really, we’re just looking at this past week’s software and hardware sales charts. Nintendo games in bold

This Week: No PS3 Games this week, and Sony fails to sell its shipment, troubled water ahead?

More inside
Software Sales (November 6th – 12th)

1. (PS2, Koei) Sengoku Musou 2 Empires – 97,170
2. (DS, Nintendo) Common Knowledge Training – 78,722 / 529,828
3. (DS, Pokemon) Pokemon Diamond – 68,147 / 1,751,043
4. (DS, Pokemon) Pokemon Pearl – 57,627 / 1,481,617
5. (DS, Nintendo) Hoshi no Kirby Dorocche Dan – 52,177 / 296,258
6. (DS, Nintendo) Magic Taizen – 28,215
7. (DS, Nintendo) New Super Mario Brothers – 22,986 / 3,416,907
8. (PS2, Sega) Yakuza PS2 The Best – 21,154 / 86,292
9. (DS, Nintendo) More Brain Age – 19,349 / 3,431,357
10. (PS2, Bandai) NARUTO Kinoha Spirits – 19,277

Hardware Sales (November 6th – 12th)

DSL 128,621
PS3 42,099
PSP 16,690
PS2 15,068
Xbox360 4,050
GBASP 1,199
GBM 1,037
GC 514
DS 182
GBA 30
Xbox 6

Source: Media Create

Daniel Vuckovic

The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

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Daniel Vuckovic

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