The Nintendo DS had 8 Dragon Quest games, let's take a look.
Hey everyone, did you know that the Dragon Quest series has just turned 30 years old! Also did you know that the series has appeared on all but 3 of Nintendo’s systems?
How about that the Nintendo DS was home to 8 of the best Dragon Quest games ever made?
Lastly did you know that Touching is Good is back! To kick thing off we start 4 part quest to check out all of the amazing Dragon Quest games on the DS. This first episode focuses on Dragon Quest Heroes Rocket Slime & Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker.
Grab your sword and shield and come with us as we have a look at just why this series is soo awesome.
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Sid's back, there's a beefy cat, a phantom hero, and a moon.
Magnets, always with the magnets.