Warriors of Rock Wii and DS connectivity showcased

Vicarious Visions show off the new connectivity features in the latest Guitar Hero on Wii Developers of the Wii and DS versions of Guitar Hero, Vicarious Visions have done a remarkable job of keeping the Wii version of the franchise up to par with ...


Vicarious Visions show off the new connectivity features in the latest Guitar Hero on Wii

Developers of the Wii and DS versions of Guitar Hero, Vicarious Visions have done a remarkable job of keeping the Wii version of the franchise up to par with the HD consoles. With playing off the SD card, DLC and persistent online so rare in Wii games, it was a great surprise to see all these big boy features on the Wii version of Guitar Hero.

Warriors of Rock is no different and this time theyre taking the Wii-DS connectivity even further. The Roadie modes will now bring Warriors of Rock to a full 8 player game and theyve expanded the Roadie features in the game to include co-op and of course competitive modes. Enough words, the trailer spells it all out.

Daniel Vuckovic

The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

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Daniel Vuckovic

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