When NES Remix was announced out of the blue late last year we were all surprised, even more surprised when we played it. The game is a lot of fun.
With the impending release now of NES Remix 2 a lot of people have been asking the question. Why just NES games?
Well IGN thought they would take it upon themselves to ask NES Remix director Koichi Hayashida if other platforms could be given the ‘Remix’ treatment. Well, personally, I have a large desire to explore that very idea, but it really harkens back to the answer I just gave. Does the marketplace want it or need it?”.
“If we get a big enough cry for that, with a lot of people saying, ‘Hey, we’d love to see more of these perhaps for the SNES, Game Boy or Game Boy Advance,’ then it would be something we can take a look at,”.
Yes Mr Hayashida, we’d like you to take a look at that. We love the NES, but a lot of us grew up on the Game Boy and SNES.
Maybe a “Game Boy Remix” could work on the 3DS where NES Remix can’t.
Everyone likes a party