Want a new Starfox? Well, Platinum Games director wants to make it
Okami director Hideki Kayima says he wants to be the one to bring back the Fox
Nintendo fans want it, Miyomoto wants it and now the director of titles such as Okami, Viewitiful Joe and Bayonetta wants to be the one to create it. In a post on his Twitter account, Kayima says rather blunty that "I want Nintendos staff to come to Platinum, stick guns at us and tell us You guys make a new Star Fox."
If thats what it takes to get a new Starfox game, preferably one more like Starfox 64 than the others, wed be happy, too. Should Nintendo give Starfox to a third party developer again? Last time that happened we got Starfox Assault from Namco.
Source: ONM UK
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