Vooks GOTY 2012: Best Nintendo eShop Game Winners – Wii U and 3DS

We couldn't just give it to one game.


Originally we were going to do these awards just as one super uber digital download award, but with the quality of games on the Nintendo 3DS and Wii U eShops having one award just wasn’t good enough.

The winner for the Nintendo 3DS was clear, taking nearly 30% of the combined 3DS and Wii U votes, that game is Fallblox, the excellent sequel to Pullblox which also took out this award last year.

On the Wii U front the voting was much closer but it was still Nano Assault Neo taking home the top award. Congratulations to both winners! Here’s the (combined) results;

  1. Fallblox / Crashmo (3DS) – 29.49%
  2. Mutant Mudds (3DS) – 10.26%
  3. Nano Assault Neo (Wii U) – 10.26%
  4. The Denpa Men: They Came By Wave (3DS) – 8.97%
  5. Pokedex 3D Pro (3DS) – 7.69%

Coming up tomorrow it’s the favourite multiplatform title, that may or may not be on a Nintendo console. We all do play other consoles right?

Daniel Vuckovic

The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

Published by
Daniel Vuckovic