Vooks GOTY 2012: Best Multiplatform Title Winner Revealed

And it was even on the Wii U as well!


Previously this award was called ‘Not on a Nintendo Console’ award, but this year we’ve been blessed to have a couple of multiplatform titles appear on the Wii U, so it’s a new name for what is essentially the same award.

This award is open to all games that may or may not be on a Nintendo console. So what won? Funnily enough one that came out on the Wii U, Assassin’s Creed 3. Personally I have no idea what’s going on in that game, but you all do so that’s all that matters.

The voting was close though with a lot of games getting votes, here’s the top 10;

  1. Assassin’s Creed 3 (360/PS3/PC/Wii U) – 16.17%
  2. Borderlands 2 (360/PS3/PC) – 11.98%
  3. Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed – 8.38%
  4. Mass Effect 3 (360/PS3/PC/Wii U) – 8.38%
  5. The Walking Dead (PC/iOS) – 7.19%
  6. Halo 4 (360) – 5.99%
  7. Sleeping Dogs (360/PS3/PC) – 5.39%
  8. Guild Wars 2 (PC) – 4.19%
  9. Dishonoured (360/PS3/PC) – 3.59%
  10. Diablo III (PC) – 3.59%

Coming Up Tomorrow: The Most Wanted Nintendo 3DS game of 2013 (so far), You might be surprised.


Daniel Vuckovic

The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

Published by
Daniel Vuckovic