
Vooks Discord Update (14/11) – Splatoon Results, Smash Bros., Pokemon!

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Welcome to this weeks Discord update! We missed one last week, as a lot of the Vooks team were in Melbourne for PAX Aus!

Splatoon Tournament

Anyway, here we are in the aftermath of the first Vooks Discord Splatoon tournament! Before we get stuck in, a huge shout out to Oceanink Offensive for organising and running the event! They have their own Discord here, as well as Twitter and Facebook, so go give them a follow and a like!

So the turnout was huge, with enough people showing up for 6 teams! We had the Anenemies, Crushtaceans, Rocktopods, Kriller, Swolephins, and the Eel Deal.


After some technical difficulties and adjustments, the tournament went into full swing! Here’s some footage from Gabe on team Eel Deal:


Another from Amy:

And a whole playlist from Dunnymeister!

Anyway, the results! Last place was a three way tie with 1 win each, between Anenemies, Crushtaceans and the Swolephins! Third place went to the Eel Deal with 3 wins, second place to the Krillers with 4 wins, and the Rocktopods crushed everybody, with a flawless 5 wins!

The Rocktopods got to pick some emoji for the channel as their prize, with the first one being… very fitting to the tournament.


Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

This Saturday will be our first Super Smash Bros. for Wii U tournament! Log on to the Vooks Discord here if you haven’t already, and stay tuned for details- we’re still figuring out how they work, and the best times for everybody!

Pokemon Sun and Moon

And how could we even forget, Pokemon Sun and Moon are out this week! There’s Sun and Moon roles in the chat, so join in, let an admin or mod know which game you’re getting, and get ready for some trades and battles this weekend!

Also stay tuned, the following weekend will be a casual Pokemon night, and if people are willing, a small tournament!

“Other Games” night

Of course, not everybody has a Wii U, or wants to play competitive multiplayer. So fill out this form and let us know what you do wanna play with us!

That’s all for this week, so make sure you join us for some Smash and Pokemon this weekend, and have your say for some co-op/smaller games to play!


Long time Nintendo fan, addicted to Mario Kart.

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