What we're doing at E3, and how you can follow it all.
If you missed the good news last month, Vooks will be at this years E3 Expo in Los Angeles!
Having not been to E3 since the Wii reveal in 2006 I’m excited to be able to bring you even closer to E3 than before and make it almost as if you’re going. Apart from the whole actually going thing.
This year we will have unprecedented access to everything Nintendo. We’ll be one of the few local media with hands on at the Wii U Software Showcase where we’ll be bringing as much video, impressions and photos from as possible. Wind Waker HD, the new 3D Mario and Mario Kart? We’ll be playing them.
Vooks is also only one of the only few to be attending Pokemon X and Y Q&A with Tsunekazu Ishihara, President & Chief Executive Officer, The Pokémon Company, and Mr. Junichi Masuda, Director at Game Freak. We’ll be asking for your questions about what you want to know about the game shortly.
There will be hands on reports, video diaries and booth tours and more across the week. The mainstream media this year will be focusing on the new Xbox One and the PlayStation 4, we’ll be doing anything but that. This year i make or break for the Wii U and the 3DS is just getting better and better.
Because of the time difference between LA and Australia most of the content I’ll be producing will show up on the site the day after here in Australia. Everything from Tuesday’s big Wii U Showcase will be on the site early Wednesday morning local time. We’ll put all the times on the site so there’s no confusion.
Over the course of the 11 days I’ll be in the US I’ll be tweeting not only about games but what it’s like to go to E3. The traveling fun, food and sights.
So what about the team at home? Well its business as usual for them and they’ll be bringing you the latest trailers, screenshots and thoughts with special Vookcast later in the week. We all will be live blogging the Nintendo Direct.
So whens this all get under way?
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Follow the big button below to bookmark our live blog for the E3 2013 Nintendo Direct. It’s expected to go for an hour so stock up on whatever best keeps you awake. All of the times you’ll need are in this story.
Right after the Nintendo Direct Vook will be taking to LA Convention Center to sit (well stand really) and play everything announced during this time. Expect content on Twitter during the showcase, with stories coming later in the day.
After E3 closes for the first day there will be a Pokemon X and Y Q&A, we’ll be there and live tweeting from the event. Find out the times of this event below.
So stick with Vooks for your Nintendo E3 coverage. No one is going do it better.
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