Vookcast Episode #98 – VCR Tape #004: Starfox Command

The team dives into another in-depth critique of a long forgotten franchise


The team opens up the Nintendo vault to do another in-depth critique for a game belonging to a franchise that Nintendo has long forgot.

Released several years ago for the original DS, and the latest (original) Starfox title in the franchise, Starfox Command was a bizarre game. It featured a new approach to the Starfox formula, coupled with new hardware (for the time) in the DS. It was received well critically, but the team isn’t quite sure why.

In this episode, we unpack the game’s story, it’s presentation and it’s gameplay elements that contribute to our love (or hate) for the game. Want to know what we thought of Starfox Command? Tune into this episode to find out.

Don’t forget to subscribe on iTunes! Subscribers get the episodes earlier than the general public!

The cast can be reached for any questions or comments on their Twitter profiles: –

James – @Nemesis556
Steven – @NinjaCatfish
Daniel – @flamecondor

This episode was produced by Steven and features the following music in order of appearance: –

Main Menu #2 (from Starfox Command)
by Hajime Wakai


Aquas Overworld Map #2 (from Starfox Command)
by Hajime Wakai

Enemy Missile Launch Venom #2 (from Starfox Command)
by Hajime Wakai

Credits (from Starfox Command)
by Hajime Wakai

James Mitchell

Avid gamer since I was as young as three years old when I received my first NES. Currently studying full time and consider myself a balanced gamer. Enjoy games on all systems, from all genres, on all platforms. Sometimes feels like he's too optimistic for this industry.

Published by
James Mitchell