and James still can't tell the difference between Retro City Rampage and River City Ransom...
The team returns with another traditional episode this fortnight. James, Steven and Daniel all return to discuss the latest news and announcements, including the (finally) release of Retro City Rampage, the announcement of Cult County and all that juicy information that Nintendo finally let loose about Mario Kart 8.
The team also covers more localised, Australia centric news – including the recently announced Electabuzz/Magmar Pokemon event, the Pink 2DS and it’s Australian release date, as well as recent additions to Club Nintendo and the confirmation of the Pokemon VGC returning for another year. There’s some bad news in there too, for good measure.
The team does a bit of housekeeping and covers some games we previously missed, including the controversial Senran Kagura Burst and the fashionably late Retro City Rampage. Of course, James gets some sizeable discussion about Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney too.
So that’s it for another fortnight! Don’t forget that our next proper in-depth critique episode is going to debut in the next fortnight, and we’ve got the competition winner to be announced in that episode too.
Don’t forget to subscribe on iTunes! Subscribers get the episodes earlier than the general public!
Be sure to follow the cast of today’s episode on Twitter too!
James – @Nemesis556
Steven – @NinjaCatfish
Daniel – @flamecondor
This episode was produced by Steven and features the following music in order of appearance: –
About Town ~ VS Arrange Ver. (from Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney)
by Tomohito Nishiura
Pursuit ~ Cornered (from Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney)
by Masakazu Sugimori & Yasumasa Kitagawa
The Courtroom’s Magician (from Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney)
by Yasumasa Kitagawa
The episode timeline is as follows: –
Beginning to 32:00 – News Updates and Recaps
32:00 to 40:30– Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney [Discussion]
40:30 to 49:35 – Senran Kagura Burst [Discussion]
49:35 to 57:35 — GBA Virtual Console games [Discussion]
57:35 to End — Show Wrap-up and Next Episode Teasers
Tinkertown, On Your Tail, The Phantom, Centum, ONE BTN BOSSES, Rogue Waters