This intimate podcast brings you the latest news and heaps of game impressions.
Apologies for the lateness, but we’ve got another intimate podcast just for you!
Daniel and James both go over the latest updates to Super Mario 3D World, hardware packages being announced, Nintendo’s latest digital offerings on the eShop as well as the mysterious Pikachu detective game. Of course, we had to sneak in a quick discussion about the infamous suspension of the Swapnote service too.
Reflecting on the very busy fortnight of games releases, the team also discusses Sonic: Lost World, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies, Deus Ex: Human Revolution – Director’s Cut as well as both versions of Batman: Arkham Origins.
This episode was produced by James and features the following music in order of appearance.
Simon Blackwell ~ Distorted Swords (from Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies)
by Noriyuki Iwadare
Icarus (Main Theme) (from Deux Ex: Human Revolution – Director’s Cut)
by Michael McCann
Carols of the Bells (from Batman: Arkham Origins)
by Christopher Drake
Be sure to follow the cast of this episode on Twitter too:
James – @Nemesis556
Daniel – @flamecondor
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