Greeting and salutations loyal Vookcast listeners!
We took somewhat of a quick mid-season break and returned to bring you our totally unbiased and unadulterated thoughts on Nintendo’s E3 showings. It’s a doozy of an episode as we cover all of the updates to the already existing games as well as all the brand new announcements including the controversial Metroid Prime: Federation Force. Because the Internet is awash with conspiracy theories, we though we would fit in some musings and speculation on Nintendo’s plans for the future (for good measure, of course).
The team also talks about the latest release for Nintendo – Yoshi’s Woolly World, too.
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The cast can be reached for any questions or comments on their Twitter profiles: –
James – @AtJamz
Steven – @StevenImpson
Daniel – @Worthintendo
This episode was produced by Steven and features music from Yoshi’s Woolly World
Everyone likes a party