Video: Nintendo News Weekly Wrap – April 28th – Pilot

What a week to launch a weekly news wrap up ey?


We’re giving this whole ‘video’ thing a go here at Vooks with a new weekly series. It’s a wrap up of all the weeks best news in one place and today we have the first episode.

What a week to start on right? Nintendo’s financial, new CEOs, new Wii U Firmware, Virtual Console and more!

We also have some great ideas for segments outside of news that we will be introducing in the forthcoming episodes. Pro tip: Start drawing some good Miiverse posts!

Since we’re still new at this make sure to let us know what you thought of the video.

This wrap contains no lettuce.

Hope Corrigan

Gamer, geek, artist & all round swell lady. Video games first sparked a passion with me when my parents decided I wasn't allowed them, forbidden fruit always being the sweetest I've not looked back since my first experiences even though they had to be snuck in at friend's houses. I'm currently a Croupier by trade, and when I'm not doing that or playing games I'm usually drawing, or writing about games, while secretly resenting that when I turned ten no one gave me a Charmander to roam the land with.

Published by
Hope Corrigan