Here comes the mainstream current affair TV segment we all love Its that special time of the year when theres a new console inbound, and you know what that means! Mainstream pieces covering the console! Every other day of the year, its games are murd...
Its that special time of the year when theres a new console inbound, and you know what that means! Mainstream pieces covering the console! Every other day of the year, its games are murder trainers. While we dont expect much from A Current Affair anytime of the year, this one wasnt too bad.
The short segment shows off no gameplay like all Nintendo 3DS pieces weve seen like forever but as they say, you wouldnt be able to see it anyway. The segment ends with line that the 3DS will cost about $400, well find out today for sure anyway.
Because Gate Rune and Dunan Unification War is too long to fit in a title.