Update on Aussie Wii MotionPlus dates and prices


We brought you a Wii MotionPlus price last week, now we have some dates and bundles.

First up, turns out $34.95 isn’t the RRP of the separate Wii MotionPlus accessory, it will be the price EB Games will sell it at but since other retailers have been listing $29.95 or lower as the RRP. We now expect that most places will sell the accessory for around that price – with EB being the exception (EB and JB also mark-up Nintendo point cards).

Wii Motion Plus BoxAs to when you’ll be able to get your hands on the unit, a variety of Australian online retailers now list the device for June 11th, the same day as Grand Slam Tennis. Also listed is the Wii MotionPlus accessory bundled with Grand Slam Tennis on the same day – we’d pretty much say – barring any delay – this is the launch date for Wii MotionPlus in Australia.

So if you want some Wii MotionPlus action here’s your options (pending final confirmation, all prices RPP and in AUD, Australian dates):

June 11th
Wii MotionPlus standalone peripheral – $29.95 ($34.95 at EB)
Grand Slam Tennis $79.95
Grand Slam Tennis + Wii MotionPlus – $99.95

June 18th
Virtua Tennis with Racquets – $99.95 (motion plus compatible)

July 2nd
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 – $79.95
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 10 + Wii MotionPlus – $99.95

If you’re planning on picking up Grand Slam or Tiger Woods it’s worth it to pick up the Wii MotionPlus unit as you’re saving $9 if you bought it later separately. We still have no date on Wii Sports Resort which will also be bundled with Wii MotionPlus.


So who’s either upgrading to Wii MotionPlus or getting any of the above titles?

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Daniel Vuckovic
The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

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