Two new paid StreetPass games coming, Premium Plaza features too
Already finished StreetPass Garden and bored? Well you’re in luck as Nintendo will be releasing two new StreetPass games, StreetPass Fishing and StreetPass Zombies.
The games will be available to buy separate or cheaper together, we don’t have pricing from Nintendo Australia just yet and so will update the story once we have it.
In addition to the new games there will also be a new StreetPass Plaza paid addon, this will include a section for VIP Mii you StreetPass and it’ll also unlock StreetPass birthdays. Check it out below.
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Zombies looks cool. Finally puts that ‘hobbies’ feature to use.
Kinda hope there’s a discount for the people who bought the last 4 games!
VIP looks like a waste of money though.