Two for WiiWare Friday this week

Its WiiWare week this week for the Wii Shopping channel and while we dont get the cool Art Style games that were rated a couple of days ago two other WiiWare games have hit. First up is Gamelofts not so good attempt at bowling on the Wii with Midnight...


Its WiiWare week this week for the Wii Shopping channel and while we dont get the cool Art Style games that were rated a couple of days ago two other WiiWare games have hit. First up is Gamelofts not so good attempt at bowling on the Wii with Midnight Bowling, secondly is puzzler Potpourrii which was released in the US a few weeks back. Also hitting the store is the Megaman 9 DLC which includes Protoman for 200 points and Endless Mode for 300 Points.

Daniel Vuckovic

The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

Published by
Daniel Vuckovic

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