Treasure, devs of Sin & Punishment, Ikaruga & much more tease new project on 30th anniversary
Treasure, the developers behind such games as Gunstar Heroes, Guardian Heroes, Sin & Punishment, Ikaruga and Mischief Makers have teased a new game.
The developers are celebrating their 30th anniversary, and they’re bringing the highly requested “that game” to something, at some time. Treasure has a long list of games they’ve worked on in the last 30 years, but haven’t released anything since 2014 – so whoever is left there, or is hired to make whatever this game ends up being is even a bigger mystery.
What Treasure game would you like to see brought back or followed up on?
— 株式会社トレジャー (@TreasureCoLtd) June 19, 2022
2022年6月19日、株式会社トレジャーは会社設立30周年を迎えました! 30周年の今年、ご要望の多い「あの」タイトルを発表できるよう鋭意開発中です。 今後とも、トレジャーをよろしくお願いいたします。
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