Ah, autumn. That beautiful time of the year where you could watch the brilliant brown leaves fall gracefully from the majestic trees as they prepare for winter. You’d rather nothing else, right? Well, we have a better idea.Fire up your Wii or your 3DS (or even the old DS, we don’t discriminate) and join us for some Wi-Fi shenanigans.
The 3DS list of Wi-Fi titles has grown over the past year with Street Fighter, Mario Kart 7, Resident Evil and Kid Icarus all fun options for play. The Wii has some evergreen greats (and these are useful in Autumn) in Mario Kart Wii and Super Smash Bros. Brawl among others.
But really, bring anything, put it on the table and it will be considered in our night of fun times. Or you could watch the leaves fall.
When: 9:00PM AEST (7:00PM AWST, 8:30PM ACST) Friday 11th May 2012
Where: The Vooks.net Chatroom
IRC Server: irc.gamesurge.net
Chatroom: #vookswifi
Gotta go fast.
It is a Holiday Gaming Extravaganza
Some really great deals.