Those familiar with the Wii U eShop games Toki Tori, Rush and Edge might be alarmed to hear that the developer Two Tribes has undergone some major business changes in the first few weeks of 2014.
Fear not though as the company’s existing games are unaffected with the new corporate changes.
As a company Two Tribes B.V., who employed the game develops, is now shut down with many people losing their jobs. However, Two Tribes Publishing B.V., the parent company that owns and publishes all their games remains unaffected.
From the closure, a new development company has been formed with the original founders Martijn Reuvers and Collin Van Ginkel, which will handle the development of any future titles.
Having made some great games for over a decade it is a little sad to see such a large change from a great development team that was in support of the Wii U and 3DS eShop.
Already at work though, the new team is currently designing a new 2D side scrolling shooter. Here’s to hoping that it will make it’s way to a Nintendo platform.
To be called Rockstar Australia.
See, life.
Just in Japan and Korea so far.
Come with me if you want to play.