Three new Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games heading to WiiWare
In typical Pokemon style, multiple versions of the next game in the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series will be released
The latest issue of Famitsu has revealed that there are three versions of the Pokemon Mystery Dugeon series heading to WiiWare. Titled Keep Going! Blazing Adventure Squad, Let’s Go! Stormy Adventure Squad and Go For It! Light Adventure Squad. Each of the games will focus on a different element, Blazing Adventure Squad will focus on fire, Stormy Adventures Squad on Water and Light Adventure Squad has a Electric types.
The follows the typical Mystery Dungeon formula but features 3D Dungeons and Characters. The story is following and based on the legend of the Pokemon Arceus.
The games games are due out in Japan on August 4th for 1,200 points. No word yet on release outside Japan.