Three more Pokemon from Black and White revealed

Pokmon Sunday has unveiled more new Pokmon, well their silhouettes anyway The latest episode of Japan’s Pokémon Sunday TV show showed off three more Pokémon from the upcoming Black and White games over the week, however, in silho...


Pokmon Sunday has unveiled more new Pokmon, well their silhouettes anyway

The latest episode of Japan’s Pokémon Sunday TV show showed off three more Pokémon from the upcoming Black and White games over the week, however, in silhouette form. The magazine Coro Coro will later this week reveal the trio completely, and they are thought to be the three new starter Pokémon. Here’s a snapshot from the show.

Pokémon Black and White are promised by the game developers to be revolutionary, and from what we’ve seen so far it looks different but far from revolutionary. We await some solid details on the game and how it plays before final judgement of course.

Source: Serebi

Daniel Vuckovic

The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

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Daniel Vuckovic

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