The unnamed weekly wrap and reflection debut


Were trying something new on Mondays, were taking a look back at the week gone by and it needs a name

Really, a slow week all around until we hit Thursday night and one little game called Sin and Punishment 2 showed up on JB Hi-Fis site. It turned into an interesting tale with the game turning out to be less of a Punch-Out!! situation and more JB Hi-Fi just importing UK copies and selling them on their own volition. The only problem is that Sin and Punishment 2 isnt classified here… so yeah good idea, in practice.

This week also saw the revelation that the Legend of Zelda series actually has a time line, but Nintendo are not going to tell us anytime soon. The R18+ decision was also pushed back again, boo politics.

Around the forums
– Plasmadavid just found out about the easter egg in the GameCube boot noises – did you know about it?

– With the Connection Tour 10 in full swing in Sydney last week, there was plenty to discuss about a close final

– Street Fighter X Tekken got announced, fighting fans on the forums got most excited (yes we talk about non-Nintendo stuff!)

– The 2010 Battle Royal is on (aka the boring Election), forum members share their thoughts

This weeks releases


Yup nothing. As usual be sure to check on Friday for the weekly Nintendo downloads.

So remember the name of this article must convey the three things it covers and must easy to figure out what it is from a glance!

What's your reaction?
Oh wow!
About The Author
Daniel Vuckovic
The Owner and Creator of this fair website. I also do news, reviews, programming, art and social media here. It is named after me after all. Please understand.

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