When Yacht Club Games said they were done with Shovel Knight, after the recent games released, what they clearly meant was, that they had one more game still to come, say hello to Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon.
The game is set within the world of Shovel Knight, but is very different from the gameplay you know, because now you will join Puzzle Knight on a new quest.
You will get to explore a new tale, where you will meet and play as familiar bosses, as well as discover some new ones. Plus the game has a head-to-head mode, for those that want to test out their shoveling/puzzle solving skills against a friend.
If you have watched the trailer you will note that it is a falling puzzle game, but there is a twist, that aparently has never been seen before. You can bump into enemies, the begin a fight with them and if you group foes together, you can do some impressive skill chains.
As you play through the stage, you will eventually locate a key, which helps you move to the next stage, but there are also potions and power-ups, to keep you alive.
There is no release date for the game yet, but the only confirmed platform so far is Switch, so yay for us.
Sid's back, there's a beefy cat, a phantom hero, and a moon.
Magnets, always with the magnets.