Missed the last week? Lets have a look at what you may or may not have not missed. Welcome to the roundup, your round up to the week that was. Last week kicked off with a real bang out of the gate with the great news that Aussies will be get...
Welcome to the roundup, your round up to the week that was. Last week kicked off with a real bang out of the gate with the great news that Aussies will be getting their hands on Metroid: Other M on September 2, just mere days after the US and the same day as Japan. Much, much better than that rumour floating around about the end of the month. Is fortune swinging in our favour?
On a bad note, we learned that NBA Jam wouldnt be a Wii exclusive anymore. Its not that we dont want other console owners the chance to have to play it though, its just that EA is basically giving the game away for free when you buy NBA Elite on the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3. That version, while cut down, is confirmed to have online modes – something the Wii version still doesnt. Very disappointing move from EA.
Apart from those two big items, it was a slow news week on the grand scale, but we did learn some new things about Pokemon Black and White, learned that the Mana Bar would expand to open in Sydney and Melbourne and that when we go 3D on the 3DS, we wont be going back.
Josh also wrote a great speculative article about the Australian Nintendo 3DS release date and price. Wed love to see what you think, will we be getting the 3DS this year? Join the discussion.
Around the forums
Forum member, indevelopment, has asked the collective what they think is the best Mario, not one single game but which era?
AyJay100 asks what is a hardcore gamer to you.
And Cat-Gonk has discovered Minecraft for the PC, have you started playing this great little game?
This weeks release
Theres nothing out this week for either Wii or DS, though look forward to next week when Dragons Quest IX hits our shores. Weve played it and think its not bad, look for our full review soon.
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