Everything you're gonna need to Switch it up.
So you’ve learned all you can about the Nintendo Switch in our first guide, now here’s everything you’re going to buy for one.
We’ve scoured the internet for as many Nintendo Switch deals and accessories as humanly possibly. Listed below is a range of items coming to Australian stores for March 3rd. We could go worldwide and find every single case, cable and colour out there, but we’re focusing local for now.
If you see a great deal on a the Switch, the Joy-Con controllers, cases or other accessories let us know in the comments below. We’ll be keeping this guide up to date right up until launch.
Be sure to follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook for any bargain alerts.
Prepare your wallet.
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The Nintendo Switch comes in two colour configurations. The main tablet is the same colour but the two Joy-Controllers are different. There is an all grey or the neon configuration. Both configurations have exactly the same contents and should be the same price between the two.
There seems to be a lot less competition or room to move on the Switch and no stores are yet offering bundles. You’ll have to find savings on the games and accessories.
Because the Nintendo Switch is region free it opens a lot more purchasing options from overseas. The problem we found when starting this guide we couldn’t find a online store that didn’t have a crazy markup or actually had units available to preorder.
At first glance you can look at the all the controller options for the Nintendo Switch you’ll be forgiven for being a little confused. What do I need for multi-player? Is one singular Joy-Con enough? Do I need two? What about this strap thing? What is the Pro Controller? Does that have HD Rumble? How do I charge these things?! So many possible questions!
On each side of the Nintendo Switch is a Joy-Con controller. An L version and an R version. Together they can be used as one controller, separate they can be two. They can be played vertical or sideways similar to an SNES pad. They both contain the capability for motion controls. Some games need both controllers together, some you can play with them separate with two players or a combination of both.
Nintendo sells Joy-Con controllers as a set of two, or you can buy grey ones separate. You’re only likely to need that if one breaks.
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Joy-Con Pair Grey
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Joy-Con Pair Neon Blue
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Joy-Con Pair Neon Red
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– Link
Joy-Con Pair Neon Blue and Red
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Joy-Con L
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Joy-Con R
The Joy-Con Strap is an optional accessory for the controllers. It slides in on the rail system of the controller and not only adds a handy strap to controller (ala the Wii Remote) but also rounds out the top of the controller and makes the shoulder buttons a little more ergonomic.
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Joy-Con Strap Grey
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Joy-Con Strap Neon Blue
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Joy-Con Strap Neon Red
The Joy-Con Charging Grip is the same as the one that comes with the system with one difference. You can actually charge the Joy-Cons as you play. The Pro Controller for the Nintendo Switch contains all the same technology as the Joy-Con controllers. It comes only in one colour, transparent grey.
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Joy-Con Pro Controller
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Joy-Con Wheel Pair
The Nintendo Switch supports microSD cards to expand its storage, there is a slot on the back under the kickstand to put the memory in.
The important thing to remember, maybe more so than space with the microSD card you buy is to look for speed. Memory cards may be advertised at a certain speed but if you get a cheap one off eBay there’s no telling how fast it actually is.
What you’re after is a microSDHC or microSDXC with the following;
If we find any cheap deals we’ll put them on our Twitter accounts, here and here.
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Official Nintendo Switch case and Screen Protector
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@play Nintendo Switch Starter Pack Plus
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Nintendo Switch Premium Console Case – Mario Edition
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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Deluxe Carry Case (Zelda)
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Nintendo Switch Game Traveller Deluxe Travel Case
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Nintendo Switch Messenger Travel Case
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Switch Game Traveller Deluxe Carry Case
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Nintendo Switch Zelda Collector’s Edition Skin Set
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Nintendo Switch Game Traveller Mini Bundle
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Nintendo Switch Zelda Game Card Case
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Official Nintendo Switch AC Adapter
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From EB Games
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Nintendo Switch Compact Playstand
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Nintendo Switch LAN Adapter
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Joy-Con Charging Station
There’s wide variety of cases available in Japan, really – they got some really crazy designs and cool colours. Here’s a selection of cases from Play-Asia we’ve found that aren’t available outside of Japan.
Guide last updated: February 26th, article contains affiliate links to certain retailers.
Just in Japan and Korea so far.
Come with me if you want to play.
Glover (QUByte Classics), Vertical Kingdom, Antipaint, Yu-Gi-Oh! EARLY DAYS COLLECTION, Omega 6 The Triangle Stars.