Terraria creates an even more crowded eShop on December 10th
It’s either a really smart idea, or a really dumb one but there’s another game that will be released on the eShop next week on December 10th (11th technically in Australia).
The long awaited Terraria will be released on the 3DS eShop alongside SteamWorld Heist and of course FAST Racing Neo on the Wii U.
The game of course has been out some time on the PC but recently has been making its way to consoles. The Wii U version is still on the way.
Is your budget going to stretch to this one? Let us know in the comments.
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I have had it on PC for years.. no reason to get another version on it. Fast Racing Neo is getting my money that day, I already have Steamworld Heist, so that helps
Have you got any info on if the retail edition is coming out on the Wii U in Australia and when?