Penny Arcade characters, Sam and Max, Strong Bad and Heavy from Team Fortress 2 to join forces? Telltale, known for bringing back the adventure game genre, has released a new teaser trailer for an (as of yet) untitled game. That’s not strange...
Telltale, known for bringing back the adventure game genre, has released a new teaser trailer for an (as of yet) untitled game. That’s not strange in itself, but what is strange is that it apparently features characters from four unrelated franchises and companies. The teaser trailer shows Tycho of Penny Arcade fame, Max of Sam and Max, Strong Bad from the Homestar Runner series and the Heavy character from Team Fortress 2.
There is no idea as to what exactly the game is yet, but we won’t have long to find out as more is set to be revealed next week.
Definitively done with the Wii U now.
Because Gate Rune and Dunan Unification War is too long to fit in a title.