Its time to tell us what you think of us and help improve the site with our survey. And you could win a prize! So we’ve got our fancy new site but what’s next for Vooks – help us by telling us what you think of the site and how we ca...
So we’ve got our fancy new site but what’s next for Vooks – help us by telling us what you think of the site and how we can improve it and drive us into our 9th year and beyond by filling out our masterfully constructed survey. We want to know what you think of what we do currently, what we’re not doing enough of and listen to your ideas of what you want out of the site.
But we’re not going to not give you something back for helping us out. Take the survey, and give us some feedback (it can even be negative oooh) and you’ll go into the chance to win a prize. Here’s what’s up for grabs and there is two of them!
So take the survey and you could be racing!
Saving our bacon fine print
FREEDOM WARS Remastered, Once Again and Super Onion Boy+
To pass the time.
Or in the office, we won't judge