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Vooks GOTY Awards for 2011 – The results are in
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January 11, 2012

Vooks GOTY Awards for 2011 – The results are in

Did your favourite win? Well if you voted it might have!.

The results are in, they’re all counted and your and our votes have been collected and the Vooks GOTY has been chosen, though you probably knew who won already – it wasn’t hard to guess. We’ve had an outstanding response this year with more than 170 votes in each category, seriously we used to get less than 10 in some, it’s made for an interesting battle seeing all the votes come in. In the spirit of that not only have we crowned the winner but also I’ve given out the stats for two runners up, it was a close race in some categories. Well if you’re still reading this and haven’t scrolled down, it’s time to scroll [...]

Kid Icarus Uprising will now support the Circle Pad Pro
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January 10, 2012

Kid Icarus Uprising will now support the Circle Pad Pro

Left handed people rejoice, we can actually play the game now.

The mastermind behind the Smash Bros series and now Kid Icarus Uprising, Masahiro Sakurai has told Official Nintendo Magazine in the latest issue that the game will support the Circle Pad Pro. This now means that left handed people can play the game, people like me who have been complaining to Mr Sakurai on Twitter weekly about it.

The Circle Pad Pro won’t change the game’s controls, it will simply allow left handed people to play the game with the stylus in their left hand and use the right Circle Pad. “The way we are using the Circle Pad Pro in the [...]

It’s a Secret: Miyamoto’s next original game is on the way
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January 10, 2012

It’s a Secret: Miyamoto’s next original game is on the way

It’s not like Nintendo to be so hush hush with what they’re working on now is it.

Shigeru Miyamoto has revealed in a new interview that he is working on a brand new, unannounced and original game for Nintendo. Of course he didn’t happen to say what the game was about, when it might be out or what format it might be on. Oh so cryptic.

We suspect though that we won’t see anything from this game until both Luigi’s Mansion 2 and Pikmin 3 are out the door, which might be a while. But at least you know it’s there, right?

New Zelda game already in the works
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January 10, 2012

New Zelda game already in the works

No rest for the wicked, another Zelda titan in the works already.

Game development is cyclical, it never ends and with Skyward Sword finally done after a million years in development, Eiji Aonuma has revealed that already another new Zelda game is on the way. The news comes from the timeline-revealing Hyrule Historia book which has been translated by Patas at GlitterBerri.

The long sailing time of creating Skyward Sword, a game to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Zelda series, has just come to an end. The voices of those who’ve played it from around the world reach us. We hear their admiration comments, and their criticism too. All those voices become energy for [...]

Wii sales passed 30 million in Europe
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January 10, 2012

Wii sales passed 30 million in Europe

There’s also 42 million Balance Boards out there now, all dirty.

Nintendo Europe has announced that it has now sold over 300 million Wii consoles in Europe. That figure is from launch until Christmas Day last year. The Wii still remains as the best selling console of this generation in Europe, the Playstation 3 is behind on 22 million and figures for the Xbox 360 for all of Europe haven’t been revealed.

Nintendo Europe also updated the Worldwide figures for the Wii Balance Board, there’s now 41.98 million of them out there split between 22.67 million for Wii Fit and 19.31 million for Wii Fit Plus, not a bad return rate for a sequel there.

Now, can we get figures [...]

Super Mario Galaxy 2 Pirated over 1 Million Times in 2011
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January 6, 2012

Super Mario Galaxy 2 Pirated over 1 Million Times in 2011

Wii comes second to only the PC in race to the bottom TorrentFreak has released their annual statistics on torrent based piracy, with the Wii coming in a handy second place behind the poor PC. Super Mario Galaxy 2 got stolen the most, with a total ...
Skyward Sword moves over a Million copies in just over two months
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January 6, 2012

Skyward Sword moves over a Million copies in just over two months

Becomes the Wiis 45th game to sell more than a million copies Like Skyward Sword? Apparently, you’re not the only one, as Nintendo announced yesterday that Link’s latest tour de force has sold more than a Million copies in the US alone. ...
Nintendo Download Update: False Start
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January 6, 2012

Nintendo Download Update: False Start

2012 gets off to a bad start, we hope its only a small trip After the awesome last few weeks of 2011 with the likes of Freakyforms and Pullblox, we knew the fun had to come to a halt sometime. The fun stops now. There’s just one title out this...
Rumour: Nikkei Trendy say 3DS Lite is coming soon, thickness and battery improved
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January 4, 2012

Rumour: Nikkei Trendy say 3DS Lite is coming soon, thickness and battery improved

Its only the forth day of the year and its already rumour time Japanese publication Nikkei Trendy has published an article in its latest issue proclaiming the 3DS Lite is coming soon and will have ‘improved thickness… [and] runtime’...
Vooks Awards 2011 – The best of the best of the best
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December 30, 2011

Vooks Awards 2011 – The best of the best of the best

Its the end of the year, no really we couldnt have held it any later It’s been a big year for gaming and for Nintendo, we’ve seen the ups and downs of the Nintendo 3DS, the Wii enter old age (in console years) and the DS hovering around ...
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