Switch 2 Direct Countdown:
PAX Australia: Our Thoughts and Impressions
Cold, Wet and Queues. But oh so fun.
EB Expo 2013 First Details Announced, Tickets On Sale Next Week
The question is, will Nintendo be there?
Watch Dogs confirmed for Wii U
Coming in 2013.
Vookcast Episode 70 Out Now – The Big News of 2012
We talk about everything big that happened last year and what we might have to look forward to in 2013.
New Pokémon news coming early January, Game Freak says Pokemon world to evolve
No idea to what if anything it will be.
Vooks GOTY 2012: Most Wanted Nintendo 3DS Game for 2013 (so far)
Luigi's Mansion, the only game you want to both suck and blow.
Your Shape: Fitness Evolved 2013 (Wii U) Review
You ate too much at Christmas, maybe you need this?
Nintendo Australia outlines early 2013 release dates for Wii U and 3DS games
Devilish Brain Training, Fire Emblem, Sing Party, Lego City Undercover, Luigi's Mansion 2, Animal Crossing New Leaf and more dated.
Nintendo pushing Wii U titles until next year to keep sales up
No doubt it'll help keep things from going boring for consumers too.
Nintendo America scares Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon into 2013
There's always one game that gets delayed, poor Luigi.