The WiiWare service had a lot of rubbish games, but it also had a ton amazing games and Swords & Soldier was one of the great ones. Now the game is coming is coming to the Wii U eShop and it’ll be at an awesome price as well.
Swords & Soldiers HD will be released in America and Europe on May 22nd, that just a couple of weeks away. Not only that but the game will be released at $2.99US / €2.99 / £2.69 price points. We’re hoping to confirm the Aussie release and price for you as soon as possible.
The game has a custom touch screen control scheme on the GamePad, you can play with a Wii Remote still if you so wish and there’s even a multiplayer mode combining the GamePad and the TV.
$3 for more Swords & Soldiers, in HD? We’ll take it.
Police say crime syndicate has been broken up.