SURPRISE! Earthbound now available for Wii U Virtual Console
If it weren’t enough to be awoken by angry comments and tweets that our Virtual Console update didn’t feature quite arguably Nintendo’s biggest digital release of the year, we’re happy to confirm that Earthbound is now available to download from the Nintendo eShop.
The game is priced a little bit higher than other SNES titles, at $13.00, however Nintendo have also provided the official players guide online for your own perusal, and best of all, for free!
Now yours, for free!
So, how do you feel about all this? Should Nintendo have dropped the game with some notice? Should the price be lower? Or should we just deal with all these things and instead just be thankful we’re getting Earthbound?
Let us know in the comments.
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Wow, this will be obtained about 5 minutes after getting home.
It’s only $2.60 more for a title never released here before, I don’t think anyone should be complaining about that (especially if you factor the alternative cost of a SNES + Earthbound Cartridge). I am just glad it’s here!
I don’t understand why it took them seven years to do this, and they treat it like this wonderful and amazing thing that they’re doing and everybody is going along with it. Earthbound is great and all, but there are plenty of games on the Virtual Console that are AT LEAST equally as good and they didn’t get such fanfare. Why are people tripping over themselves to praise Nintendo for something that quite honestly should have happened years ago? I get that you’ve been waiting a long time for this, but that isn’t a good thing.