E3 2013: Super Smash Brothers is coming to 3DS and Wii U, now with Mega Man!


Nintendo definitely left the best until last with their Nintendo Direct this year, and revealed the all new Smash Brothers game.

The trailer began with a very distinct cel shaded style which seemed quite indicative of a new artistic direction that the team were taking – then the characters were suddenly re-rendered in glorious high definition. That’s right, the game is coming to the 3DS and the Wii U with a unique visual style for each.

Smash Screen 02

Following some reveals of the characters we already know and love, Nintendo were quick to drop the bomb by announcing new characters that will be joining the frey. The first of which was the Villager from Animal Crossing, marking the first time an Animal Crossing character will appear.


Not to be outdone by the Solid Snake reveal last year, however, the trailer ended by showing off none other than Megaman! Featuring all his moves from throughout his storied history, this is quite possibly one of the characters we all wanted the most but probably didn’t realistically expect.

Smash Screen 01

Iwata also announced that the game will be released in 2014 and is coming to both Wii U and 3DS. Both games will be available on the eShop. The MiiVerse community and website for Smash Brothers will also be going live shortly.


What are your thoughts on the blue bomber being a guest character in Smash Brothers? Let us know in the comments.

UPDATE: You can now access the official Smash Brothers website here: http://www.smashbros.com/en-uk/

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Oh wow!
About The Author
James Mitchell
Avid gamer since I was as young as three years old when I received my first NES. Currently studying full time and consider myself a balanced gamer. Enjoy games on all systems, from all genres, on all platforms. Sometimes feels like he's too optimistic for this industry.
  • Nannas11thtoe
    June 11, 2013 at 10:55 pm

    i dont really care much for megaman i feel like he will awkward to play as but thats a baseless statement XD

    i was hoping to see yoshi 🙁

  • MysticLegacy
    June 11, 2013 at 10:57 pm

    Yoshi’s a staple in the SSB series. He’ll be there for sure.

  • Simon
    June 11, 2013 at 11:00 pm

    I just…am so disappointed by the Direct in general. When will I learn? But they HAVE announced great stuff recently, sometimes randomly or off the cuff..and yet tonight, which I stayed up for and was pumped for…

    It’s great to see Megaman, it is. But honestly it just highlights to me how sad and STUPID it is that he doesn’t have his own game/franchise. There’re so much that could be done with the character. And as for it being Super Smash Bros, well we knew that was appearing or would sooner or later and it looks like we’re getting to more or less than just – eventually, whenever it comes. Yay?

    And the ‘mario 3d’ that we were looking forward to? Looks less impressive than the new 3dish Sonic game! 🙁

    Oh but Retro, Retro YOU were working on something to blow our minds, right? tell us, is it Metroid?? it is, isnt it? no wait, is it Starfox? no no no, is it FzZero? is it a NEW IP?!?@??@

    Nope, it’s a sequel to Donkey Kong Country Returns that could have been released as Wii DLC. If Nintendo could do it with New Super Luigi U, then WHY on EARTH is this new DKCR wii u game even a full game??

    I admit I’m drunk, and realllly tired, but I’ve watched all three of the major parties presentation’s, and yeah sure – Sony over Microsoft in terms of hardware and publicity. Microsoft over Sony in games, ie exclusives, and I dunno WHERE Nintendo stand now where I thought they actually had this suddenly as their E3 to LOSE…well *shrug* there it goes. i’m buying a 3ds XL, finally, been meaning to be for a while and now it just seems like the number one absolute no brainer for anybody who likes to, you know, PLAY GREAT GAMES

  • cd2
    June 12, 2013 at 3:09 am

    That’s the thing Nintendo never have tried to stand toe to toe with the others they have always walked their own path. Which is why I love them and enjoy their games the most…..for now

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