Face the Fury
After being silent since the reveal, Super Smash Bros creator Masahiro Sakurai will be hosting a video presentation tomorrow, that details the upcoming fighter from Fatal Fury, Terry Bogard, it is expected to go for around 45 minutes
As Fatal Fury is known as an arcade series, the addition of support for an arcade stick does make sense, especially as there is one in the image below, guess we just wait and see now.
Here are the times for the multiple timezones we have in Australia, thanks to Daylight Savings.
What are the odds we get the final character reveal from the first Fighters Pass, sound off if you have a cool addition to the roster.
If that was not enough, a new update will release soon after the presentation, bringing the game up to version 6.0
Even more news has been released, with the announcement that Nintendo Switch Online members, can download a special pack for the game, which will grant them 5000 gold and 3 Classic Tickets. You can redeem it for yourself here, if you are a member, only note is that if you are in a trial NSO membership, you can’t access it.
To be called Rockstar Australia.
Just in Japan and Korea so far.
Come with me if you want to play.