Report: Super Smash Bros. for Wii U confirmed to use NFP figurines

It makes sense.


We thought it might be the case, you know it makes sense, but it’s now been confirmed that the upcoming Super Smash Bros. for Wii U will use the upcoming NFP figurines. A representative for Nintendo France has said in a new interview with French site Lefigaro that the game will be the one of the games later in the year that use the new NFC based technology.

There’s of course no confirmation on how it will be used, perhaps for transferring stats between friends or even the 3DS version when NFP launches for that system early next year. All we can do now is speculate, so do that in the comments!

Ten dollars says another Nintendo branch comes out and debunks this comment from Nintendo France only for E3 to actually show it. We’ve seen it before.

We’ve also snuck Report in the title, just in case this story is complete baloney.

Source: NeoGAF

Daniel Vuckovic

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