The story elements of the 2010 sequel will not be as in-depth as the original Super Mario Galaxy, and will instead focus on pure gameplay In an interview with Wired magazine’s Chris Kohler, Shigeru Miyamoto has indicated that “I’d li...
In an interview with Wired magazine’s Chris Kohler, Shigeru Miyamoto has indicated that “I’d like to go with as little story as possible…I’ve always felt that the Mario games themselves aren’t particularly suited to having a very heavy story.” Miyamoto made the comparison of Mario to other games with more involving plots and characters- “I just feel that the Mario games are something that should be a much more bright and active experience…With the Mario games, you don’t need to have such a complicated setting where you have these particular characters with complicated backstories that can weigh down the bright and fun feel of the game.”
Super Mario Galaxy wasn’t exactly lauded for its deep and engaging plot- rather re-treading the same ‘Bowser stole the Princess’ backstory that so iconic to the series. The addition of Rosa’s subplot was a nice touch in the original but could have been completely ignored by players on the path to completing the game.
Source: Wired
Because Gate Rune and Dunan Unification War is too long to fit in a title.