In a recent Iwata Asks, the development team of Super Mario 3D World discussed a range of new and returning features in the game, expanding on the new power-ups and their origins, as well as the development process as whole. Over 100 people threw in ideas over the course of the development, much more than we’ve seen before. Also, black cat Rosalina.
One of the new power-ups, Cat Mario, was designed entirely from a gameplay perspective, with the outfit being formed around the function. Double Mario, however, came about from a developer’s mistake, with a mistakenly-placed extra Mario inspiring a brand new game mechanic. The Iwata Asks session also touches on the competitive elements of the game and how they fit into the classic 3D Mario gameplay. You can read the full Iwata Asks here.
So which cat will you be playing as? And why is it black cat Rosalina? Let us know your thoughts below!
Because Gate Rune and Dunan Unification War is too long to fit in a title.